Complaint against the broker banco – capital


Complaint against the broker banco – capital
The list of binary options scammers is updated all the time. We received a complaint from a trader who is unable to withdraw his money from the banco-capital broker.
Having contacted the trader, it turned out that he had a bonus that needed to be worked out in the amount of 30 times higher than the bonus taken.
The terms also say that if a trader applies for withdrawal, the bonus will be withdrawn from him and the money will be returned.

Hello, my conclusion is Approved, well, everything is on this.not a single SMS, not one letter.My broker does not answer.My broker’s name is Mikhail Gorn.At the beginning of the work, he promised to raise the deposit to 2 thousand, then the signals went 50 to 50.The first time I wanted to conclude, so he did not give me, explaining that I should raise my turnover to 20000 thousand.Now I know for sure that the broker is obliged to make a conclusion.Please help

It seems that everything is correct and honest, but the broker, after filling out the application, simply disappeared. The manager does not answer calls, not letters.
We decided to consider the broker banco – capital in more detail.

Broker’s platform

Spot. Usual conditions and tools. The simplest version of the platform.

Languages of the broker banco – capital

The website states that the broker supports English, Japanese and Russian. However, the most important details on the site are only in English. If a trader does not know English, then he can only rely on a manager who stuffs him with false promises about signals and earnings.

Registration of a company in London at VA Gold ltd. – 121 Bishopsgate, London, England, EC2M 3TH however company numbers
Skype phone numbers. Not related to the place at all. The address of the company is not complete, there is also no registration number

  • There is no complete information in the “About Us” section

Banco-capital regulation

The company submits a false document. This is a fmrrc certificate.

The FMRC published on the website of the Companies that falsified the certificate, as can be seen banco – capital at the very top

Regulation Broker Banco Capital Scammers

Banco Capital Uses Fake Regulation

Conclusion about the site and the broker:

Banco – Capital are scammers who leak traders. Earning from deposits left with them. The company not only does not withdraw money if it still remains, the company’s managers give false signals.
If the trader has earned, his deposit will remain in the company, they simply will not withdraw it, and if he has lost everything, the money remains in the company.


After doing more checks, we found another scam site with the domain thebanco ( . ) com

Scammers, after robbing traders, opened another site, with exactly the same name. The company is registered

The Banco is owned and operated by Depix Holdings Limited, company number: HE 340906. Depix Holdings Limited is located at 38 Karaiskaki street, Kanika Alexander Center, Block 1, 1st floor, off. 113B, 3032, Limassol Cyprus, a subsidiary 100% owned by Sumo Forex Limited (company number: 5495972) is located at 228 Queen Street, 4th Floor, Auckland 1010, New Zealand.

  • This site does not show a license, however registration is offshore.
  • Although the broker positions itself as it mainly works in Russia.

Banco Capital scammers

After checking the Ip, we found scammers who are also on this server. And owned by thebanco (Banco Capital)



Reviews of traders and the behavior of the company show that the company is banko capital, works according to the scheme of scammers
Beware of these scammers.


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