CLOSED INTERACTIVE OPTION binary options broker

Interactive Option has stopped its activities
. Going to the company’s website, a message about the closure appears. The broker had a black reputation among traders. Fraudsters Mironov and Zlata Minaeva collaborated with this broker. Pegase Capital is the owner of the binary broker INTERACTIVE OPTION, the company was fined before.

CLOSED INTERACTIVE OPTION binary options broker
The reason for the closure of the broker is the revocation of the Cysec license for at least 1 month. Starting from March 4, 2016, the company does not accept new customers.
Earlier it was reported about numerous violations by the broker Interactive Opshin.

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Cysec) has fined Pegase Capital 300 thousand euros.

Reasons for the closure of the interactive Option broker

  • The reason was money laundering, and poor treatment of the company’s customers.
  • Carrying out business obligations in the provision of investment services to clients,
  • Professional competence of investment companies and individuals engaged in them.


At the moment, we are receiving complaints from traders who are unable to withdraw money. However, according to the law, YOU can contact SYSEK and ask them to resolve your issue by filing complaints.


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