Investmagnates strives to make trading more transparent. The results of the trader should depend only on himself.
Novice traders, often, fall into the red just because they trusted.
We decided to help novice traders. You shouldn’t risk your money!
Terms of the promotion Return to sweat for novice traders $ 50:
[note color=”#c3ebfe”]
- A trader can start trading with a minimum deposit from brokers from the list. Only brokers with a license and certificate.
- The trader must be new to the broker. If you already have an account with a broker, open an account with another one from the list.
- Before making a deposit, send your e-mail, name to the address
- After opening an account, you must make a minimum of 10 trades. If the trader is in the black, he continues to trade.
- If, after 10 transactions, the trader is in the red, he receives $ 50 from us.[/note]
If you meet all these conditions, you will receive $ 50
Best Licensed Brokers
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Money is transferred only to WEB MONEY wallets (web money) within 72 hours. (seven days a week)
$50 is paid only if the trader is in the red after 10 trades
The trader can take advantage of the bonus, the broker’s shares.