

A young but successful microfinance company, designed for a female audience and providing services for an urgent loan of money.

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The Womoney online platform focuses on girls (read reviews about the Womoney MFC on the website This is a scam™). This approach works great, the fair sex actively use the services of the service. It redirects clients to partner organizations – official MFIs. What is the essence of intermediary services? Why do you need a service for women and is the Womoney service a scam? Let’s try to figure it out.

Womoney IFC Review Review
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Why Womoney?

The service was registered in 2012, but only succeeded in 2016. The project is looking for lenders among partner MFIs, and clients get access to the most advantageous offers. The online platform is registered in Russia and complies with local legislation. You can communicate with the support service around the clock, the contact phone number is in the corresponding section of the site. The online service also offers to familiarize yourself with the lending rules and read the user agreement. Vumani differs from competitors only in that it focuses on female clients. Men can also get access to great deals, but they rarely visit this site. The online platform was created with women’s interests in mind. In addition to applying for a loan, here you can learn about fashionable novelties, read useful articles and interesting tips.

Vumani articles
MFIs that work through the service lend faster than banks. Application processing is an automated process. The questionnaire is considered in 5-10 minutes, the money comes quickly. The Womoney service is an effective way to solve urgent financial problems. Clients do not need to collect a pile of documents, sit in line and visit the office. Loans are issued online. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Visit the womoney.ru website;
  • fill out and submit the application form;
  • select the loan amount;
  • Wait for an answer and money.

As soon as the borrowed funds are credited to the account, you can proceed to spending, and while you are waiting for a response from the MFI, you can take a closer look at the site. It is made bright and interesting. Designers have found suitable images with girls and children. The service is aimed at young women who have no time to go to banks and wait for a loan response for several days. The service speeds up and simplifies microcredit. You can get from 1 to 50 thousand rubles in MFIs. From 1 to 30 days are given to repay the debt (for loans up to 30 thousand rubles). The debt repayment period is increased to 6 months if the client returns 50,000 rubles. You can return the money ahead of schedule. If you do this during the promotion period, the overpayment of interest will decrease.

womoney.ru loan application

Urgent loans of money from Vumani

The service began to actively promote the services of MFIs only in 2016. For 3 years, we managed to gather an impressive customer base. The representative office of the online platform is located in Moscow, but microcredit services are available throughout the country. Russian citizens can apply for loans upon reaching the age of majority. The main thing is to prove solvency.

The Vomani service does not charge an additional commission for services. New customers can take no more than 11,000 rubles through the service. For regular borrowers, the credit limit has been increased to 50,000 rubles. There are several types of loans, they differ in term, limits and interest rate. The following options are available to customers:

  • “Minimum”. You can get from 1 to 10 thousand rubles for up to 30 days. The daily interest on the loan is 2%, and on the delay an additional 0.1% of the amount owed.
  • “Online loan”. The credit limit is limited to 30 thousand rubles. The payment period is not more than 30 days. Every day, 1.5% is accrued to the principal debt. If you overdue the loan, you will have to return the entire amount, interest and 20% of the penalty.
  • “Grace 5”. The minimum amount is 1000 rubles, the maximum is 15,000 rubles. Up to 30 days are given to repay the debt. Every day 1.5% is charged, the penalty is 20%.
  • “I Take Grace 7”. A loan from 1 to 50 thousand rubles is given for a period of up to 6 months at 57% per annum. The consequences of delay are a penalty in the form of a penalty of 20% of the amount owed.

Vomani types of loans
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The Vomani service is not limited to 4 loans. Promotions are held regularly and customers can save on overpayment. If you repay the debt in 5 days, the interest rate will decrease to 0%. Under normal conditions, the rate ranges from 1.5 to 2%. The service does not limit the use of borrowed funds. A loan can be obtained even on maternity leave. Vumani’s services are available around the clock. Applications are processed even at night. To take a new loan, you need to pay off the old debt to the MFI. As soon as the information in your personal account is updated, you can apply.

Conditions for granting money loans

  • Amount: from 1000 to 30,000 (50,000) rubles (first application: up to 11,000 rubles).
  • Term: from 1 day to 6 months.
  • Age: from 18 years.
  • Rate: from 1.5 to 2% per day.

To obtain a loan from a client, you will need:

  • Valid passport of the Russian Federation.
  • Telephone.
  • Bank card or account.

How to apply for a loan of money?

Go to the official website of the womoney.ru service and fill out the feedback form. A Vumani representative will contact you by phone. Create an account to use the online calculator and calculate the loan amount. The system adds interest to the principal debt and outputs it as the final result. Set the desired parameters in the calculator. Click “Get”, fill out the form, wait for an answer. As soon as the system processes the application, you will receive an SMS message with a preliminary decision. The client needs to connect to the Internet, enter the data correctly and specify the card number. Updates are reflected in your personal account. All questions can be asked to the manager.

How do I get my money back womoney.ru

Vomani’s client has 5 ways to settle accounts with MFIs:

  • Use the “Contact” payment system.
  • Deposit cash in the salons of Beeline, MTS, Megafon.
  • Give the money to the cashier of Euroset (the amount will be received the next day).
  • Pay the debt with a bank card (money comes instantly).
  • Transfer the amount from the current account (the operation is performed within 5 days).

Complaints against Womani

The service has been successfully operating for 3 years. During this time, an impressive customer base has accumulated, many ratings and reviews have accumulated. There are enough positive comments. People praise the speed of the service. The response to applications comes instantly. Responsible borrowers do not pay interest if they repay the loan in 5 days. The site often hosts promotions, and microcredit services are available to women even on maternity leave.

Womoney Customer Reviews
There are shortcomings in Vumani’s work. Some women are denied a loan. There are failures in the operation of the site. But, overall, the platform works smoothly. Customers of the service recommend it to relatives and friends. This is a convenient and quick way to get a loan and solve financial problems.

Regulation and licenses of Vo Mani

Before cooperating with online services, borrowing money and entering into a contract, check the status of the organization. Documentation, regulator data, and registration information will help with this. If everything is in order, then the company is operating legally.

License & Regulator

The service is owned by MFC Zaym Online LLC. The company provides services in accordance with the current legislation in the field of microcredit. The relationship between the lender and the borrower is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal legislation. The issuance of loans is carried out taking into account the user agreement and the terms of the loans. The company’s activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are completely legal.


The online service operates in an automated mode, but each client can contact technical support and get a detailed answer to a question about microcredit. The site has created a section with contact information for communication with the operator. There are 4 ways to communicate with staff:

  • by phone: 8 (800) 333-84-16;
  • use the WhatsApp messenger;
  • through the feedback form;
  • Write an e-mail: support@payps.ru.

User Agreement womoney.ru

To learn about the work of the site womoney.ru and the company, as well as the responsibilities of the borrower and the lender, the user agreement will help. This is an important document, before starting cooperation, you should carefully study all the nuances in order to eliminate unpleasant situations and fully understand the features of the service:

Vumani User Agreement

The text of the user agreement is presented on the service’s website. The document lists the requirements for future borrowers (age, citizenship, income level). The procedure for considering the client’s questionnaire is regulated. The conditions and rules for concluding a loan agreement are determined.

Wow registration of the application

If the borrower does not meet at least one requirement, then the microloan will be denied. The service does not work with people who have ruined their credit history (made a number of delinquencies, did not repay all loans). The minimum chance of getting a loan in Vuman and those who provided false data in the questionnaire. Insolvent borrowers cannot receive money either.

womoney.ru rights and obligations of the service

Is Womoney a scam?

Womoney has been successfully operating in the market of term loans for three years, offering its customers a fast and convenient service for obtaining the necessary funds via the Internet. The functionality of the site allows even a beginner to understand all the conditions of the project and fill out an application in less than 10 minutes. On a concise site, you can arrange not only services, but also find useful information for a female audience. To quickly calculate the loan amount, there is a convenient calculator showing the amount, days for repayment and a figure with already accrued interest in accordance with the entered data.

Any user can find the relevant documentation about the work of the company, get acquainted with the principles of the project, the user agreement, and study the information about the project in more detail. The company’s managers are ready at any moment to help newcomers to the project to deal with issues of interest, to solve the problems that have arisen in connection with the delay, the work of the site.

The online service operates in accordance with Russian law, has a Certificate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, allowing it to provide customers with microloan services. Supporting information can be found directly on the website – this is the address of the main office, phone number for communication, etc. Without making an effort, you can find reviews about the company’s work on the network. Borrowers’ comments about the project are different: there are both positive and negative. Many of them repeatedly use the services of MFIs, as the process of receiving funds is simple and fast. After analyzing this project, we can conclude that Vomani is not a divorce or scammers. The company successfully provides its services for the rapid solution of a material issue for clients throughout Russia.


The Womoney service is well established in the microcredit market. The company focuses on the female audience, but does not experience a shortage of customers. The MFI operates in accordance with the law, has the official status of a creditor, which is confirmed by documents.

The Womoney website makes it easy to get loans. An application for a loan is made through a convenient website where you can find all the information about the project, you can use a convenient calculator, a personal account. The specifics of MFIs are also interesting, which lies in the target audience of the project, designed for women, in particular, for mothers on maternity leave.




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