

An experienced broker offers traders a large selection of trading platforms, more than 9000 assets and withdrawal of earnings without commission.

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A large number of forex brokers are represented on the financial market today, some have been working for a long time, some have only recently begun to offer their services. However, for the past 10 years, the RoboForex platform has been cooperating with clients with high quality and reliability (read reviews about the RoboForex broker on the website This is a scam™). Such a long period of work in the market ensures not only successful activity, but also constant development in the interests of traders and the search for new, more profitable platforms for investment. It is armed not only with affiliate programs, but also with many of its own developments for trade and investment.

The company complies with international trading standards, which is confirmed by the receipt of popular awards. RoboForex is an integral part of the RFG HOLDING corporation, which allows you to gain access to clients living in those countries where the activities of forex brokers are not regulated and regulatory organizations do not prohibit access to the resource in the absence of a license.

An important point is that traders from countries that are part of the European Union can also use the broker’s services, but through the RoboMarkets platform, it is also included in the RFG, only licensed in accordance with European regulation programs. Now we will not consider this site in detail, but only indirectly touch on some points, since we are interested in RoboForex, which provides services for Russian-speaking clients. To find out whether this is really a reliable way to trade in the market or a deception and fraudulent scheme, our article will help.

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RoboForex Trading Rules

Being on the RoboForex platform, the client receives a wide range of trading assets, you can invest in forex currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, precious metals, various raw materials, ETFs and CFDs on shares, and about 9000 different instruments. Do not forget that the advantage of the company is not only in a wide range of trading instruments and the availability of accounts of various types. The main difference of this forex broker in the market is that it gives you the opportunity not only to trade assets, but also to invest. Here you can get training, for example, in the form of participation in various competitions. Detailed information about this is available on the roboforex.com website. It is also important that it is here that unique software developments for each service have been created, which makes it possible to simply and quickly carry out operations.

RoboForex Broker Review
To the website

RoboForex Trading Platform

Long-term work in the market allowed the broker to significantly increase the number of terminals, which are divided into trading and investment. They include a large set of tools in their arsenal, therefore, they have the ability to automate the trading system without additional knowledge in the field of programming. The company uses both the already familiar and familiar MT5 and MT4, and constantly adds something new. So now there are two terminals with individual developments of RoboForex in circulation:

  • R WebTrader;
  • cTrader.

RoboForex Advantages

The technologies that are used here are not the most innovative, but they have comfortable functionality for specialists. R WebTrader is similar to most new developments in this area and has simple functionality similar to MT4. It is possible that the creation of the new terminal was justified by the need for an alternative to MT4 in mobile phones, or it was aimed at reducing the cost of paying for the licensed use of MT4 installed by the MetaQuotes Software provider for all users of the service. The development of this technology gives the right to keep up with the times, since today the entire Internet world is moving to mobile versions and such a program has prospects in the future.

roboforex.com R Trader terminal
The R Trader terminal is also an individual development of the company, it does not need to be downloaded. Access can be obtained on the site roboforex.com using a computer and a browser of any power. The goal is to increase the convenience and simplify the system of using the service for each visitor.

RoboForex mobile app
Here is a convenient and uncomplicated interface, consisting of three blocks. The first provides graphical information about the variety of instruments in the field of trading. This creates the ability to work with several assets at the same time, displaying the amplitude of growth of each of them on one screen, which is a comfortable advantage. Studying the block on the main page of the site, you will notice that the graph can be expanded, systematized according to various criteria. For example, you can set three charts of the same asset, but at different intervals of time, or display graphs of the dynamics of three different assets and monitor their growth at the same time, waiting for a signal from an asset with high growth.

Such a convenient use case significantly increases the chance of winning when you know the successful entry points to various assets, which also speeds up the process of making a profit. The main advantage of the first block is the availability of analysis of the dynamics of different elements on one screen, that is, you can study the correlation of different instruments at the same time. This is a complex and demanding functionality, not every novice trader will be able to successfully perform this work on their own, but the presence of such an opportunity in the terminal significantly increases its rating.

This allows visitors to use not one asset, but to use arbitrage trading, which consists not in analyzing trends, but in studying the dynamics of the amplitude of fluctuations of different assets depending on each other. Next is an element that provides information for the visitor about positions that are in the active position, contains information about the operations performed and orders that did not work. However, a special section is “Strategies”. Getting here, the client receives four simple strategies, using which you can successfully trade. A trader can add his own strategies on his own. Considering this block, it is worth noting that the resulting strategies can not only be used, but also make your own edits, which is a good moment, not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced trader.

The second block includes 3 tabs. Whatchlist – if you have constantly used MT4 or MT5, it is unfamiliar to you, but for professional trading, this function is indispensable and is used in all specialized terminals. To put it simply, the client receives a list of all assets based on the principle of an already existing model for receiving a forex signal throughout the session.

But the last section requires special attention, which significantly distinguishes the terminal from the others. Here are the assets for professional cooperation: an order book and a ribbon of prints. Here you can find all received requests for the purchase or sale of assets, and the cost and quantity of the goods offered are also indicated. Usually, such content is open only to professional traders on paid platforms. cTrader is a functional terminal with an increased speed of execution of transactions. Here you can customize your workspace, sections change positions in any, the most suitable, sequence. As on the platform we talked about above, here you can make your own robots for trading and use the list or Whatchlist function.

But irreplaceable and special in this terminal is the function of analyzing the depth of the market, which is called the level 2 order book. This function is unique due to the chance to see, in addition to close to the value of a buy or sell order, distant options, which are commonly called icebergs. Consequently, you can notice the largest supplier and try to calculate the possibility of his further actions, working, including for the future.

RoboForex assets

Quotes roboforex.com

Usually, traders do not seek to display information about liquidity providers, RoboForex is no exception in this area. If you study the specifics of the company’s activities, the nuances of granting a license and the business strategy, then this is within the framework of the usual model of activity adopted in this area. Public information is a figure indicating the number of liquidity providers a company has. Taking into account the information located on the main page, it is worth assuming that most of the partners are in the European group and are not related to the forex broker. But this is just speculation, and the facts indicate the concealment of a detailed list of suppliers on the company’s website.

Demo account

To get acquainted with the features of the site and make money on it, the broker offers customers to open a demo account on the roboforex.com platform in MT4 and MT5 terminals. In addition, in the trial mode, it is possible to study the R Trader platform, to do this, just go to the “Continue as a guest” mode and explore all the functionality provided by the manufacturer. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that trading operations will not be carried out even with virtual accruals.

RoboForex registration
Open an account

Terminal for mobile devices

Since most services today have already switched to the application format for mobile devices, RoboForex has also created cTrader and R WebTrader resources in a similar version. Traders can now conduct transactions in any convenient place if they have an Internet connection to a phone or tablet.

RoboForex Bonuses

The RoboForex broker allows new clients to immediately receive a pleasant reward in the form of bonuses after the first opening of the deposit:

  • Welcome Bonus – a bonus of $ 30 is received by any visitor who has passed verification and replenished his account with $ 10.
  • Profit Share bonus – the trader receives such an incentive immediately after verification and the first replenishment, but the further percentage depends only on the amount of the deposit, for example, when replenishing $ 300, the interest rate will be 25%, if you replenished your account in the amount of more than $ 300, your promotion will be 50% of the deposit.
  • The classic bonus up to 115% is similar to the previous two, but the bonus amount here is much higher and amounts to up to 115% of the deposit when the account increases by more than $ 500.

Account replenishment and withdrawal of funds

You can withdraw funds only through VISA, MasterCard, MIR bank cards. You can replenish your account in the following ways:

  • E-wallets (ePayments, Skrill, Neteller, Qiwi wallet, Yandex.Money, Kassa 24, Moneta.ru, WebMoney).
  • Russian Post, Euroset.
  • Sberbank Online, Promsvyazbank, Alfa Bank, Factura.ru, Russian Standard Bank.

Reviews about RoboForex

In most cases, there are negative reviews about the site. If we analyze them, we can say that a separate category includes “incorrect quotes” that allow traders’ stop orders to be triggered. Employees promptly respond to them and justify such violations by the fact that quotes cannot be compared because of suppliers. Such an answer gives a logical explanation of what is happening, but this will be considered in more detail when analyzing the user agreement. There are also positive reviews about the forex broker, and there are many of them. Customers note the interesting and high-quality content of the training program, the ability to quickly withdraw funds from the account and a variety of terminals.

Broker Regulator

RoboForex is part of the large corporation RoboForexGroup (RFG). The same organization also includes RoboMarkets, which is licensed by CySEC, as well as RoboForex LTD, which received permission from the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (International Financial Services Commission of Belize), which has been assigned No. IFSC/60/271/TS. An important fact is that RoboForex also has a membership in the International Financial Commission (category “A”).

View the RoboForex license on the regulator’s website (line 26)

View the RoboForex license on the broker’s website

User Agreement roboforex.com

Continuing to study the activities of the forex broker RoboForex more closely, let’s move on to studying its Client Agreement, since it is often in this document that the possible negative aspects that a trader may encounter in the process of interacting with the company are described. It is worth noting that not a single broker hides possible pitfalls in trading and, one way or another, describes them in its Agreement.

This can in no way be interpreted as deception or fraud, since the broker really discloses this information, albeit negative for the client. RoboForex is no exception in this case. To begin with, let’s highlight a point that can confirm most of the negative reviews about the company described above. Clause 14.6.3 says that the company does not accept claims from customers if the reason for this is the difference between quotes and any other resources.

RoboForex Claims
This point makes all the previously described claims of traders against RoboForex regarding quotes quite logical. It is also worth paying attention to clause 3.8., which states that if the client has a minus on the account, he is obliged to pay the company funds within 2 working days.

roboforex.com obligations of the client
And, it would seem, this is absolutely normal, if not for one “but”. On the main page of the roboforex.com website, as one of its main advantages of the broker, it is written that all its clients receive insurance against a negative balance. This means that if the account goes into the red, the company will not require the trader to return the amount of the negative balance. When trying to find out the details of this detail and clicking on the item with negative balance insurance, the client is taken to a page where it is explained in more detail that a negative balance is not a problem for the client, this zeroing procedure is performed by the broker automatically. How to interpret this discrepancy – unfortunately, the broker does not explain this in its Agreement.

The company has the right to refuse the client to make transactions on his account in case of detection of its misuse, and as an example of this, currency conversion is described here. The question immediately arises – if the purchase / sale of currency on the exchange through a broker is an inappropriate use of the account, then for what purpose, in the opinion of the broker, the client opens an account with him, and will the company refuse to conduct operations after a series of currency exchange transactions that brought profit to the client?

Is RoboForex a scam and a scammer?

RoboForex is a convenient platform that provides an opportunity to learn, use a large database of assets and analytical reports presented in qualified level terminals. However, having studied the features, it is important to note that, having its successful programs, the company is not exposed in the best light. Let’s start with the fact that the main page of the site roboforex.com contain information about the various awards of the company received at events held in various countries of the European Union.

In itself, the fact that a broker that does not have a license from the European regulator, and RoboForex does not have such a license, participates in contests in Europe, and even receives awards there, does not look entirely logical. One of the most striking examples of this is the publication on the RoboForex website about the prize received in the nomination “The Safest Broker” received by the company as part of the London Investor Show in London in 2018. But after looking at the official website of the event organizer, the trader will not be able to find information about RoboForex here. However, the same website contains information that in this nomination the prize was received by RoboMarkets, which, like RoboForex, is part of the RFG holding, but does not have the right to work with clients from Russia due to the requirements of the European regulator.

Thus, there is a banal juggling of facts that are unlikely to help the trader understand all the details of the relationship with the broker, and most likely confuse him, forcing him to believe in something that the company does not actually have and cannot be. And, despite the fact that such an unflattering conclusion was made on the basis of just one fact, comparing the sites of RoboForex and RoboMarkets, the trader will find a lot of examples of this nature. The company has a number of signs of divorce, in addition to the facts indicated here: a complicated registration procedure even for training trading, the lack of a license to work with Russian traders, the lack of registration in the country, etc. It is worth working more carefully with the company and investing minimal funds in it.


Forex broker RoboForex is a well-known company with a certain name, which has been formed by it over the years of its work. However, taking into account the information discussed above, the development of the brand was largely facilitated by RoboMarkets, which is part of a single holding with the broker and operates 100% within the requirements of the European regulator. And most, if not all, of the developments positioned on the roboforex.com website as made by RoboForex are in fact not its achievements.

Thus, when we look at RoboForex in more detail, we see a completely common picture for the Russian forex segment, when an offshore company, frankly speaking in its Agreement about the categorical acceptance by the trader of the information it broadcasts about quotes, hides behind the activities of a real and successful company in order to attract as many inexperienced clients as possible.




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