Why a motivational guru is the enemy of a financially literate person

The very development of finance

Modern society lives in market conditions, and they are characterized by their own unshakable rules. One of these rules is that with unlimited needs of people, there is a limited opportunity to fulfill them.

The unlimited needs of people are a consequence of the fact that in their lives there is always the possibility of choice, which allows you to evaluate all the alternatives and choose the most suitable one. This choice may not always be so correct and reasonable as to fully satisfy the needs of a person. But even in the case when the choice of the best option is made, after some time doubt and dissatisfaction arise about it.

Life will be a little easier if you realize and accept two facts:

  •  You won’t have everything you want. You may not have enough money to purchase some things, others simply will not get to you due to their limited quantity.
  •  If you decide to realize some of your dreams, then you need to focus on it, and forget about others. You can achieve a good result only in this way, without scattering your time, effort, energy and other resources on trifles.

What Gurus Teach

Now there are many schools and teachings, the purpose of which is to impose on people the point of view that there is no impossible for a person: it is enough to believe in yourself, and you can achieve everything you want.

This point of view is good for motivating the goal. By creating a sense of dissatisfaction with oneself and personal achievements, it forces him to look for new, more effective ways to improve the quality of his life. People who believe in themselves from the beginning and people who believe in themselves as a result of imposed psychological thought are two completely different categories of people. As practice shows, the first category of people achieves something serious in life thanks to self-belief with a large margin. Due to the fact that the motivational guru does not convey the two main facts mentioned above to the listeners, the world is constantly replenished with unsatisfied people with acquired psychological problems.  If such a guru helped someone to achieve his goal, then this price was too high: the ruined life or disturbed peace of other listeners and followers of their program.

There are many rules and theories of “How to Become Rich”. However, if we summarize all the books and teachings, we can conclude:
To achieve something, you just need to start doing, and not dream, lying on the couch.


How Motivational Techniques Work

All motivational techniques work according to the same scheme: the ultimate financial goal is set, the state of a person at the initial stage of achieving the goal is indicated and a way to change consciousness is proposed, which should lead a person to his ultimate goal. For the motivational guru of a commercialized society, the way to change consciousness is to instill in a person the idea that if he wants to become a millionaire, he must learn to think like a millionaire.

As a result, a person begins to think like a rich person, allows himself more risky transactions and expenses that are incommensurable with income, while still not having the experience of making money and owning it correctly. The excess of expenses over income is a side effect of this change in consciousness, often leading to  debt and financial ruin.
So is binary options trading. To bear fruit only to those who develop and realize what they are doing. Those who just want to make a million without doing anything are usually unlucky.



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