How to make money on options and be a productive, rich and happy trader?

Preparing for Binary Options Trading

Productivity is the ability of a person to use all his internal reserves to achieve his goals. In trading, this indicator depends on the ability to properly organize work and have a good rest from it. After studying the article to the end, you will learn useful recommendations that allow you to happily open a binary options chart and trade for a long time, calmly and profitably.

Preparing for trading

  • Take care in advance that your workplace is organized correctly

Due to the release of numerous films about the exchange, novice users involuntarily form a stereotype that each trader should have 6-12 monitors, an additional tablet, several telephone lines, papers with information about new promotions, etc.

  • Stop. In practice, everything is completely different. You will need: a regular computer with one monitor placed at eye level, a comfortable mouse, keyboard and chair. We finished with the technical part.

Now the main thing is to give the workplace comfort. This can be done in a variety of ways: from hanging motivational posters around the table to repainting the walls in soothing colors (green, beige or some other). Experiment. Nothing is forbidden.
Remember, the main purpose of your workspace is to immerse your mind in a calm and relaxed state, able to respond objectively and in a timely manner to the ongoing market processes.

  • Stay busy while you wait for expiration.

The peak of the psychological load falls on the moments when you have already analyzed and activated the deal. It would seem that all the most difficult things are over, but this is self-deception. Worries about money are a powerful negative emotion that destroys a person from the inside and can bring him out of balance for a long time.

To prevent this, do something interesting. It can be listening to classical music, reading soothing literature, watching movies, and so on. In general, do everything that causes pleasant emotions. To enhance the effect, use pets: cats, budgerigars, dogs, hamsters, etc. Their presence has been proven to defuse the situation.

How to plan a trade

  • Prepare an emergency plan in advance

Think about whether you will be able to continue trading if force majeure suddenly happens: the Internet, electricity will disappear, an emergency business trip will appear. This is important because regardless of the circumstances, you must remain a trader and stick to your trading plan.

The optimal solution has been found: use mobile gadgets. This is true even for those users who have never lost touch with a binary chart. Try it and see how convenient it is.

  • Look for new experiences

How to relax

Preparing for Binary Options Trading

As soon as you choose and adapt your strategy, trading will turn into a boring daily routine for you. Naturally, at first you will feel proud that you managed to overcome a lot of obstacles and learned how to make money in the binary market. However, a person quickly gets used to such a pleasant feeling.

Therefore, in order to maintain results at a consistently high level, do not forget to rest. Let’s think about what exactly you should do:

  • Walk daily (preferably explore a new route every day).
  • Make it a rule to travel at least once a month.
  • Practice any kind of sport or martial arts.
  • Find a hobby from which you will get spiritual satisfaction.
  • Meditate in the morning.
  • Sex. Sex. Sex. Useful, pleasant and necessary.
  • Sign up for a massage. You are a trader, so comfort is your natural state. Get used to it.
  • Arrange free days when you will not do anything related to binary options trading.
  • Rest and recover. It’s helpful.

Recently, on one of the trading forums, a topic was discussed with something like this: “how to make money on options without significant investments?”. Surprisingly, a lot of the most ridiculous advice was offered. I would like to appeal to all novice traders who are looking for their own way and have not yet conducted a single transaction. The best way to learn something is to try it yourself. Fortunately, there are now a lot of brokerages that allow you to open an account with only $10 (or less). Below are some of them.

IQ Option

This is one of the best modern brokers, which has already been joined by more than 3,500,000 traders from all over the world (over a million transactions are carried out daily). As mentioned, to get started, it is enough to have only $ 10 in your account (the profit from one successful operation can reach 85%).

The activities of IQ Option are regulated by the FMRC, so the trader does not have to worry about the safety of the invested funds. The broker provides its clients with high-quality analytics, modern technical support, bonuses and a full-fledged video course dedicated to making money on binary options. In addition, regular tournaments with real cash rewards are held among traders. Read more about the company


To start working with this company, it is enough to replenish the deposit by 500 rubles or 10 dollars. Moreover, every new Binomo client can take advantage of a free account and receive 20 options as a gift. This is a unique opportunity to assess your capabilities and understand all the intricacies of working with binary options.

Binomo stands out for its high-quality service and numerous options aimed at ensuring that all traders can get the most out of their investments:

  • a full-fledged training program is available;
  • there is a modern analytical center;
  • You can insure transactions, trade on weekends, etc.

Read more about the Binomo broker

As you can see, using binary options with a minimum deposit, you will no longer need to trust dubious comments and unreasonable reviews. You can always check everything yourself. Last month, journalists from a major financial publishing house conducted a survey among homeless people on the topic of whether they would like to get rich and get all the attributes of a successful person (house, car, etc.). The results were very interesting: about 68% answered positively, but the rest (about 32%) reported that they are satisfied with everything, and they are 100% satisfied with their current status in society.

Instead of a conclusion

This study allows us to conclude: if a person has a goal and he is constantly moving towards it, then the result soon makes itself felt. Otherwise, he gets used to his comfort zone (no matter how terrible it may be) and spends energy on justifying his helplessness.

Think about what you want. If binary options is really an industry where you intend to achieve serious results, then why are you waiting? Choose your broker and take action.

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