How to consistently make money on binary options

Binary Options Trading Signals

How to consistently make money on binary options and forget about stress?
Do you agree that about 80% of success depends on the correct psychological state of a trader? If not, then think about it: why are hundreds of strategies freely available, but only a few can make money on them?
Therefore, when asking the question of how to learn how to make money on options, first of all, worry about your internal state. In this article, you will find useful recommendations, the application of which will help to get rid of stress and improve trading performance.
Convince yourself to be successful
Do you still underestimate the power of affirmations and visualization? Believe me, you have a lot to lose. Regardless of the area in which a person strives for success, his development must go through a number of stages:

  • at first he gets used to the conditions that the environment provides him;
  • after, everything around him does not suit him and he strives for something new, contributing to the disclosure of his potential;
  • he acquires inner faith and begins to try;
  • Further, it all depends on perseverance.

If you constantly imagine yourself as a winner, believe in the created image, then soon it will transform into your new reality, opening up even greater opportunities for monetary and mental self-realization.


  • Come up with 5-10 positive statements about yourself (for example: “I am a successful trader and today I will make a profit”).
  • Write down what your ideal life will look like after you make big and regular money in the binary market.
  • Before the start of the trading day, close your eyes for 10 minutes, pronounce the recorded phrases and imagine your ideal life.


Develop the habit of forgetting about all analytics, trends and strategies at least 2 times a year. Take a loved one and go traveling. If possible, do it tomorrow.

Binary Options Trading Signals

Enjoy the process

Try not to do the analysis if you don’t have a cup of coffee and delicious chocolate on hand (another light food from which you produce the hormone of happiness). It calms you down, adds mood and makes trading a really enjoyable experience. Checked.

Try aromatherapy

In particular, the smell of citrus fruits helps well. Place a pendant with odorous oil near the monitor and observe your mood. It is proved that if the working environment is favorable, then the trader himself, without knowing it, begins to act more productively.
Exercise daily
Health is as much an asset as stocks or currency. The difference is that once you lose it, it’s hard to continue enjoying life. So why bring yourself to a state of helplessness?

Engage in collecting

The only caveat: collect your own losing trades (make printouts and place them in the most prominent place in your room). This approach disciplines and insures against making the same mistakes repeatedly.

Gain experience

Do not rush to switch to a large account. The market existed long before you, so there will be a lot of options for investing in the future. Learn how to trade efficiently and then you will not need to worry about your financial future.

Develop a probabilistic attitude to the market

At whatever point you decide to open a position, there are always only two outcomes. That is why there is not a single trading strategy that would guarantee you a result in 100% of cases. It is ok.
The main thing is that each time you work only with such entry points that, in mathematical terms, have a high chance of working out. If you act this way, you will always make a profit for long periods.

And one more important point on how to consistently make money on binary options without stress . Choose a good broker who is not seen in fraudulent schemes and is always worried about his clients. Below is a brief overview of the three successful companies (you can find more information here).

  • uTrader

The trader can choose from more than 80 instruments, divided into 4 groups: commodities, indices, currencies and stocks. The minimum deposit is $500. You can work with three types of accounts, which, depending on the initial investment, have a different set of auxiliary options:

  • daily reviews;
  • Tutorials;
  • introductory webinars;
  • personal support;
  • demo account, etc.

In addition, all new Opteck users become members of one or more bonus programs every month. A more detailed description can be found here.

  • Iq option

The company is aimed at newcomers to the binary market, who are primarily interested in improving their skills. To implement these tasks, the Iq option broker provides:
a free demo account, for which it is enough to register;
a free video course that allows you to understand all the nuances of the binary market from scratch;
the minimum deposit, the size of which is only $ 10 (only $ 1 can be invested in one bet);
the ability to trade remotely (the trading terminal can be launched from almost any modern gadget).
Monthly tournaments are held among traders, the winners of which are awarded with real cash prizes. A more detailed description can be found here.

  • Binomo

All the first transactions of Binomo customers are insured. This means that even if he loses, the trader will not lose his money. This service allows all beginners to gain invaluable practical experience in trading in the binary market.
To start earning, it is enough to replenish the deposit for any amount exceeding $ 10 (1 bet = $ 1). The user can choose from 4 types of accounts, differing in a set of options and replenishment sizes. Other features of the broker include:

  • professional technical analytics;
  • round-the-clock support;
  • free training program;
  • return of 30% of the invested funds in case of an unconfirmed forecast;
  • work on weekends, etc.

A more detailed description can be found here.

Now you know how to make money on binary options without risk and serious psychological pressure. If you have any useful ideas or your own ways to deal with market tensions, please share them in the comments.



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