How to lose on binary options? 15 proven ways

Today we will look at a selection of harmful tips, because of which binary options trading for most traders brings only a loss. After studying the proposed information, honestly answer the following questions:

  • Which of the following mistakes am I making?
  • Why is this happening?
  • Am I losing money (if so, how much) because of this?
  • What actions can be taken to change the situation?

 Earnings on binary options

Sometimes criticism and hard introspection are the only ways to transform your future.  Perhaps this is the case now. 
1. Make maximum bets. 
From day one, trade big and never use binary options with a minimum deposit. Why miss out on a great opportunity when you can get everything at once? 
2. Forget about cooperation with trusted brokers. 
Be sure to ignore the offers of well-known companies. If you have to choose between Opteck,, IQ Option, or any other firm on this list, then resist the temptation. It is better to invest in an untested broker that promises increased profitability and many interesting bonuses. 

Earnings on binary options

3. Trade intuitively and do not use the plan under any circumstances. 
Imagine how boring it is to do a business in which every step is counted for many months ahead. Apart from income, nothing interesting. Who needs it? 
4. Never test a trading strategy. Trust the information on the sites.
Each trading system must be checked by a professional trader before publication on a thematic resource. Site moderators simply will not allow their content to be inaccurate. Once you’ve read the strategy, get straight to the point. Leave testing and other precautions to weaklings. 
5. A real trader always knows how much he will earn. 
It doesn’t matter what the situation is in the market. If the daily rate is $500, then you need to trade until you’re blue in the face. If you miss a day, you give someone your profit. 
6. Lose as much as you need per day. 
Losses are normal. You don’t need to pay attention to them. In which case, you can always replenish the deposit. 

Earnings on binary options

7. For every loss, the market must be responsible. 
Increase the rate, open more positions, use the Martingale method – in general, concentrate on the return of lost funds (of course, compensation should be obtained with interest). 
8. Use as many indicators as possible.
The more complex and modern the trading system, the more guarantees. Therefore, never start trading if you do not have at least 10 instruments on the chart. 
9. Never do introspection. 
You’re always right. Why, in this case, do the work on the mistakes and look for ways to strengthen the chosen earning strategy. Leave this boring procedure to boring professionals. 
10. Binary options are easy. 
Today, take out a loan and quit your job. You are a genius. You will succeed the first time.
 11. Buy a million-dollar trading strategy.
Don’t be stingy. If the proposed methodology costs 200 dollars, and the daily earnings on it is 2000 dollars, then what is there to think. In an hour, all investments will pay off. Act immediately. 
 12. Don’t waste time on one strategy. 
You can’t even imagine how boring it is: knowing when to open a trade, how much you can earn on it and when you need to stop trading. Do not bring everything to automatism. Better make more substitutions and enjoy the process. 
13. Be a multi-trader. 
Imagine what prospects will open up for you if you trade on 20 instruments at the same time? And where do you put the profit made from 50 assets? Maybe you are the chosen one, and swing at 100? 
14. Trust analytics unquestioningly. 
All financial portals employ only professionals who make money on their forecasts on a daily basis. Why would they lie? 
15. Use micro accounts for a longer time. 
It is convenient and safe. I invested $ 10 and for a whole year you can earn 6-8 dollars a day. Why take risks and think about some kind of financial independence? Everything is already magnificent. 
Earnings on binary options

You have become acquainted only with the most common situations in which the reasons for  the failures of most novice users are laid. Agree, making such mistakes, it is difficult to talk about how to make money on options. Draw the right conclusions. 
P.S. Friends, what problems have you personally overcome? Leave your answers in the comments.




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