How can you make money on binary options and not lose health?

The Psychology of Binary Options Trading

If you are engaged in trading professionally (or purposefully strive for it), then you are unlikely to be bothered by the question of how you can make money on binary options.
You know it’s real and prove it in practice every day. The problem is that the more impressive the results, the more time is spent on the market and less on yourself. 
Hence there are a lot of negative consequences, which doctors call the “disease of the office worker.” This list can safely include:

  • myopia;
  • obesity;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • decreased potency;
  • constipation and other troubles.

Sadly, this is not all. It is worth mentioning the ever-increasing psychological discomfort that is associated with worries about money (after the death of loved ones, this is the most severe stress).
What do you think, if you put your body to such a test every day, after how many years will you turn into an invalid? 
Undoubtedly, binary options trading is a prestigious and profitable occupation. However, in order to reach your full potential, you need to develop the habit of adhering to a healthy lifestyle from the first trading days  . In this article, you will find many useful tips that allow you to implement it correctly and quickly. 
Between desire and result is a process. Therefore, by continuing to be inactive, you will leave your goals at the level of dreams.

  • Train

Any sports discipline (football, running, swimming) is the best way to relieve stress. As far as possible, purchase a subscription, and mark each end of the trading day with a workout. At the same time, do not forget about morning exercises (allocate at least 30 minutes for it). 

If your schedule is too tight, then replace visiting the section with home fitness. Do not be lazy and in a week you will feel a real improvement in your well-being.

  • Set yourself up for success

Emotions and trading are two incompatible concepts. Think back to the last time you were upset or angry with someone. Did you manage to make money on this day? To prevent this from happening again, find your way to control your mind. Here’s a good meditation technique:
10-20 minutes before the start of trading, find a comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine a lake with raging waves;
do not think about anything, and concentrate all your attention on this picture;
Look at the surface of the water until it becomes calm and looks like a mirror.
You can accompany this process to classical music or come up with something else. It doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there is no negativity inside you.
After that, prepare aromatic coffee, look at the trading signals for binary options and start working. 


  • Organize your workplace

First of all, you will need a modern monitor and computer glasses. This will reduce the visual load to a minimum while observing the graphs. So that visual acuity is not lost over the years, take breaks every hour and look into the distance, use vitamin A, do gymnastics for your eyes and visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year. 
Get an orthopedic chair. The spine is the key to health and at the same time one of the most vulnerable organs of the human body. Constantly check yourself to see if you are sitting at the computer correctly. For prevention, include exercises to strengthen posture in the morning exercise program.

The Psychology of Binary Options Trading
Stay hydrated. To do this, place a jug of water near you and drink as often as possible.
Take breaks for mini-workouts. Choose a 5-minute complex for yourself and practice whenever there is an opportunity to take a short break. 

  • Watch cartoons

This is the best way to relieve tension at the moment when the market has already been entered and it remains only to wait for the option to expire. Good emotions allow you to think correctly and adequately assess the situation. 
For example, if several trades in a row close in the red, and internally you feel unwell, then 70% of the time you will continue to trade and lose even more (it has been proven that most traders are tempted).
At the same time, if you feel good, then you will take the negative result of the transaction for granted and return to trading no earlier than the next day.
Record your successes
Here we are not talking about a trading diary, where all the parameters of the operations carried out are recorded daily. Keep a separate notebook in which you regularly  write about your condition after the chosen strategy turned out to be profitable. Every time you’re upset about something, open that notebook and start reading. This is a great exercise that allows you to restore the trader’s faith in his own strength.

So that all the efforts expended at one moment are not wasted, always work only with trusted companies. Here is a rating of binary options brokers, which includes only the best representatives of this area. See for yourself. Below we will make a brief overview of some of the companies from this list. 


The company has been operating since 2010 and provides 4 types of trading accounts at the user’s choice:

  • Mini (up to $500).
  • Standard (up to $3,000).
  • Premium (up to $10,000).
  • VIP (from $10,001).

Titantrade clients, at their discretion, can work both with short-term options (expiration from 30 seconds), and make long-term forecasts for the end of the month or year. 
The analytical department and support service work around the clock. Full information about the broker and the proposed conditions can be found


This broker started its activity in 2011 (the central office is located in London). For novice users, Opteck specialists have  prepared a full-fledged training program dedicated to making money in the binary market. Its content is constantly supplemented with useful practical knowledge. The material is provided in the form of webinars, e-books, a list of frequently asked questions, consultations, lessons, etc. All beginners can try their hand and consolidate their knowledge with a free demo account. 
For new users, there are bonus programs and special offers. More information can be found


This is the first company that, back in 2011, began to focus on Russian-speaking traders. Users can open one of five types of accounts (from $ 300 and above) with different amounts of personal conditions:

  • training and analytical materials;
  • the help of a personal analyst;
  • development of a financial plan;
  • assistance in mastering the proposed trading techniques;
  • development of an individual strategy;
  • the ability to hedge positions and use other investment instruments.

For more information about the broker, see

Once health and success become your natural state, you will truly feel what it means to be happy. 
P.S. Friends, don’t forget to share your secrets in the comments. 



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