Binary options: will they survive after the cancellation of bonuses

The European Securities and Financial Markets Authority has already announced its decision on the upcoming ban on the use of bonuses by binary options brokers and forex brokers. Some brokers such as Banc de Binary, Anyoption, Spot Capital Markets and Spotoption Exchange have already announced their intention to refuse to use bonuses. The transition to a non-bonus mode will take three months. And now it is worth seriously thinking about how the binary options industry will have to in a new, bonus-free environment.
At the beginning of their activity, during the birth of binary options trading, brokers attracted customers precisely by distributing bonuses, so to speak, right and left. That is why binary options have become so popular so quickly.
To fulfill the conditions for the bonus, it was necessary to comply with certain conditions. The possibility of withdrawing bonus funds was clearly calculated in advance. Needless to say, it was almost zero. And in order to get them, you had to achieve incredible levels of accuracy in trading.
Only then the industry was not regulated. Nohow. But with the advent of regulators, trading has become more reliable, but the serenity of brokers has come to an end. Moreover, the aggressive bonus policy and customer complaints simply could not be ignored. And they decided to put an end to it.
All bonus practices will be banned throughout the European Union. Customers should not really be upset. First, the mechanism of psychological influence on customers will disappear. Secondly, it is not so easy to use bonus funds and often you have to spend more than you get in the form of a bonus. In this way, how to attract customers – the question remains open. Most likely, brokers will have to completely rethink their approach to the industry as a whole.
What can attract customers? First, new technologies. The simpler the system as a whole becomes, the more chances it has. Secondly, safety and security. If investors are confident in their security, they will invest in an attempt to make money.
The industry needs to change. Most likely, for the better. For customers.



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