5 Things You Need to Know About Binary Options Brokers

1. What is a Binary Options Broker 

Most binary brokers focus only on binary trading, while there are Forex brokers who simply add binary instruments to the main trades. 
When you trade with a broker, you are basically trading against the broker, because when you win, the only one who loses money is the binary options broker itself. Brokers, often, are both market makers and exchangers (brokers). Therefore, such binary options brokers cannot provide services in America.

2. What is the difference between binary options brokers.

Today, there are thousands of binary options brokers. There are two main differences between the two. The first is a trading platform, the second is a license. 
The main trading providers today are: SpotOption, TechFinancials and MarketPulse. These are manufacturers of trading platforms known to traders. Comparing brokers you can see that many use the same platforms for binary trading. 
There is a small part of brokers that have developed their own trading platforms, and only personal experience will show which is better. 
Licensed brokers are leaders in the binary trading industry. The main licenses are issued: Cyprus, New Zealand, Australia. 

3. Leaders among binary trading brokers.

It is not so easy to conclude which binary broker is better.  Some are inclined to believe that these are brokers who buy a lot of advertising, and are on many sites. Or rating brokers. 
We have to choose a broker on our own. Read the article “How to choose a binary options broker”. You can also see the rating created on the basis of traders’ reviews. 

4. Can you trust the broker?

Of course not. How can we trust someone who makes money on our losses. Then how then to trade, you ask. It’s simple. Only work with regulated brokers. Read reviews and don’t fall for marketing tricks. 
Find out all the conditions before you deposit your money. 

5. The possibility of making money on binary options

The amount of earnings depends on your deposit and on the risks that you are willing to take. If you want and love high risks, there is an opportunity to earn thousands of percent during the day. However, such trades are more like casinos. In which you can either lose everything or hit the Jackpot. 
The lower the risks, the less earnings, but more stable.  


Trade only with the right brokers!



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