5 tattoos of a successful trader

For a second, imagine how a security guard at a grocery supermarket works. Suppose he needs to keep an eye on the confectionery department. In the first hour, the probability of theft is 1%. In the second – 5%.

Then the following happens:

  • 5 hour – 30%;
  • 7 hours – 55%;
  • more than 10 hours – 70%.

It turns out that by the time the store closes, two out of three violators will have gone completely unpunished. 
 Binary Options Trading
Hence the conclusion: the quality of the actions performed is much more important than their quantity. 
Do you agree?
Now that you have heard this fundamental idea again, let’s move on to the question of how to make money on binary options. Let’s start with your work schedule. Regardless of the level of workload, only laziness can prevent you from trading. 
Take a look at the well-known table that allows you to effectively manage the flow of daily tasks:
Binary Options Trading 
Put binary options trading in the 1st or 2nd block and this one change will seriously change your life (of course, provided that there is a difference between investing and the casino for you). 
Once you take the first step, a logical question arises: how do you find the time? This will help a properly organized methodology that requires no more than 30 minutes a day to analyze and open transactions. 
Here are suitable binary options trading strategies that you can use immediately after reading the article:

An alternative option is to use signals for binary options (details on Investmagnates).

Now that you are set up for high-quality trading, have a suitable strategy at hand and have found free time, let’s move on to 5 recommendations that allow you to trade consistently and for a long time in a plus. Let’s call them tattoos, after applying which, your results will certainly change. 

Binary Options Signals


Tattoo No. 1 – The ability to concentrate on the small and the main

In any more or less interesting activity, there is such a thing as a “student syndrome”. Its essence lies in the fact that a person is able to read and explore something for an infinitely long time, but when it is necessary to act, he retreats because. considers himself an insufficiently competent specialist.  


Binary Options Signals
Let’s take the binary market. There are hundreds of ways to conduct market analysis, ranging from candlestick valuations to Gann mystical schemes. Do you really think that traders who earn consistently and a lot all know this? 
Of course not. They chose their profile, and all their efforts were directed to polishing useful skills that bring money. From now on, do the same. Once you realize that it is impossible to achieve quick results in the binary market (as in any field), you will concentrate on your algorithm and over time you will be able to turn it into a gold mine. 


Tattoo No. 2 – Destroy all financial goals

Sounds weird? Let’s see what caused such a judgment.
 From the moment you set a plan for earning (for a day, month or other period), you stop trading objectively. Instead of just following the rules of the chosen system, you start inventing entry points and opening stupid trades. Understand, in the long run, such a philosophy is doomed to failure. There is a signal – we use it, you do not observe anything – skip the deal, tomorrow you will earn. 
Perhaps most beginners lose on binary options just because they do not know how to treat trading correctly. This is not a shift pay workshop. No one here will ever owe anything to anyone! Wait for the chance and use it. When there is no specific financial goal, the mind is freed and set up for success. Check. 
Advice! At the same time, limit the daily loss rate. Write down the amount you can’t lose more than and automatically stop working when you reach it. 
And one more useful recommendation: never share your achievements in the field of binary trading. Let it be your big secret. Checked, as soon as a person neglects this rule, an insurmountable emotional burden falls on him, which is quickly reflected in the results.  

Tattoo No. 3 – Become an auditor of your transactions


Binary Options Trading
Write down all the rules and situations that your earning methodology corresponds to. Do this in the form of a table, where you can leave a mark in front of each item. From now on, when a suitable signal is formed on the market, take this checklist and quickly analyze it: condition No. 1 is fulfilled – put a plus and continue; Condition No. 2 has not been fulfilled – we put a minus and complete the analysis.  
The list of rules, presented in the form of questions, can significantly reduce the level of stress and eliminates many mistakes that traders make, guided by emotions, not common sense. 
Additional recommendations:
Reduce trading time to a minimum (increase the timeframe, use signals, change the rules of the strategy). It is an irrefutable fact that the longer you are in front of your computer, the worse you trade during the day. Remember the first tattoo that symbolizes the importance of quality deals;
Minimize the number of assets used. If you are a beginner, tune all your attention to one instrument and thoroughly study its movement pattern. Believe me, there are traders who work with only one asset throughout their careers and do not regret it at all;

If binary options are your main source of income, find yourself an additional occupation. It can be anything from studying the Kama Sutra to video games. It is important for you to learn how to pass low-quality signals and wait for the right ones. If you have a hobby, it’s not that hard to do;
Never force yourself or trade during periods of fatigue, depression and bad mood. The market is not going anywhere, but the deposit can be empty if you make decisions recklessly;
Develop a plan in case of force majeure (computer glitch, power outage, Internet, etc.). The best solution: to have access to the market through a mobile version (tablet, phone).  

Tattoo No. 4 – Analyze your actions

As soon as a non-standard situation has formed in the market, take a screenshot and printout. Write your own comment by hand with recommendations for the future. Use the highlighter to mark the main places. When the illustration is ready, attach it to your workplace. As soon as something like this happens in the market, you will know exactly what to do next. 
Similarly, you can analyze profitable and unprofitable situations. Comment and criticize yourself mercilessly. This will not only improve your performance, but also help you identify weaknesses in the chosen binary strategy. 
Advice! These actions are not recommended to be done electronically and stored on a computer (perception is lost, and with it precious experience). In addition, do not forget to test and implement all innovations. If you are afraid to experiment, then use the best solution for fear and uncertainty – binary options with a minimum deposit. Try. 

Tattoo No. 5  – Learn to forget about binary options

Here we are talking about relaxation, since trading at a professional level is an everyday routine that you don’t want to do. Constantly travel, arrange free days, play sports, sex, massage, meditation – anything, just learn to refresh your head from the boring rhythm characteristic of the binary options market. 
Imagine that in a month you need to be able to drive a car. What will you do: start studying endless articles on the Internet or sign up for a driving school where an experienced instructor will demonstrate all the key points in practice? 
In trading, everything is the same: you endlessly study something and look for an ideal, or choose a direction and begin to test its effectiveness in practice. What to do is up to you. 


5 tattoos of a successful trader

  • Tattoo No. 1 – The ability to concentrate on the small and the main
  • Tattoo No. 2 – Destroy all financial goals
  • Tattoo No. 3 – Become an auditor of your transactions
  • Tattoo No. 4 – Analyze your actions
  • Tattoo No. 5  – Learn to forget about binary options


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